
30 Days Writing Challenge | 18: Facts About Me

Sebelum berkutat dengan tugas kuliah, tentu saja saya harus menyempatkan diri menyapa pembaca setia blog saya (kali aja ada, kan). Tema challenge hari ini cukup mudah karena hanya membahas diri saya, antara dituntut untuk narsis atau malah membuka aib sendiri.

Day 18: Post 30 facts about yourself.
  1. I love my name because I know no one else in the world has it.
  2. Girl in glasses.
  3. I love books more than people. But I can stop staring at my book just to text him back.
  4. Can't give away my books. They've each taught me something and brought me on a new adventure. If I give you one of my books to keep then you should feel very very honoured.
  5. I love writing.
  6. Didn't follow trends. Didn't want to (and didn't have money for that because there are things that more important as priority).
  7. Didn't fall in love easily.
  8. Obsessed with good writing.
  9. Manners are everything!
  10. Can't drive. At all, really.
  11. I love traveling.
  12. A quiet type, didn't talk much unless when I become comfortable.
  13. Food enthusiast.
  14. Have a tendency not remembering people after introduction.
  15. I think hating math is uncool, and I think I really stupid for being bad at it.
  16. Can't call someone 'my best friend' till they say it first. Too scared to take the first step.
  17. Prefer to talking face-to-face instead on the phone.
  18. I've met Windy Ariestanty. Ihy.
  19. Really want to have an artistic talent.
  20. Prefer milk instead tea or coffee.
  21. For two semesters I've never finished a book of law. I'm too busy reading other things.
  22. My birthday is similiar with Kaito Kid's symbol (1412).
  23. Maybe you've often found me alone in library but that doesn't mean I'm anti-social. I just need time for recharge energy.
  24. If I get bored, I will talk to random people on Omegle.
  25. Afraid of cockroach.
  26. Prefer mind instead body. Smart is the definition of sexy for me.
  27. Have a tendency to remember almost everything about life events.
  28. Enjoy having a deep conversation, talking about ideas.
  29. Ever since I was little, my goal in life is to own a personal library.
  30. Saya memandang seseorang bukan dari bagaimana dia bersikap atau seperti apa dia terlihat, tetapi dari bagaimana dia bisa mempengaruhi hidup sesama manusia.

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