
Well, Fingers Crossed


Long distance relationship is never a joke. The uncertainty we have in the relationship is immense. It requires maturity, a crazy amount of trust, patience, and courage to keep the relationship going.

You would hear a lot of people saying this kind of relationship would never work because of the time zones and about the priorities which may change eventually. Not being able to spend time personally with your better half also makes it extremely difficult to maintain the relationship. The lack of physical contact, not to mention simple conversation all play heavily on you.

According to me, I always believe long distance relationship can work. However, it is not for everyone, especially if there is a lack of communication and commitment. Some think that in order to survive long distance there must be constant contact, but communication isn't about frequency in this caseeven if you are super busy, one call a day, a few messages on your life updates and its happenings (however mundane some of the things may seem) are enough to remind the other person that you care and value his or her presence in your life. It's about being clear and honest about what you want/need and what is reasonable to expect. Nothing matches being together in person, so you'll have to be realistic about how much you really can/cannot do while apart to make it work.

And just like any other relationship, it requires two willing people to take risks. It takes a very strong couple to survive in the distance, someone who is emotionally and mentally strong and very sure about you. If the relationship is going to work, there is going to be compromise on one side or the other.

Long distance relationship is not for couples where one is a prince or princess who needs to be saved. Because it's tough, the other supposedly stronger partner also needs some kind of support or care from time to time. Otherwise, he or she can get fed up. Ultimately it is you both who must decide if it is helpful to take your relationship to this level. If you do decide to stick with it, then give it all you have to make it work without getting tempted to go astray. Both of you must know that it is a two way street and mutual effort is what keeps it going.

To those who managed to pull through, I salute you, guys.

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