- When you are in a field packed with people, with their masks on because we're still dealing with the pandemic, somehow you're still able to find this person among those crowds. Even when all you can see is just their eyes.
- It is not always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes there will be thunderstorms and cloudy days here and there too, but the dark days don't scare you away because at the end of the day you know you have each other.
- "We'll figure it out together."
- Their well-being is just as important as yours.
- Everything is worth the wait, the sweat, the tears, because you are certain that you are willing to go that far, and even further.
- Trusting them in every way possible, and earning their reciprocal trust in you.
- Their past doesn't matter at all because you love them as a human being. With all their imperfections, scars, and flaws.
- You both are working things out. Compromising, learning, communicating, everything to grow as a person and as a partner as well.
- Their name never once missed on your daily prayers.
- When you are reading this, you are picturing someone at the same time. I know, because I do too.
chaotic equilibrium
Loving Someone
Friendly Reminder
Insecurity really kills potential.
Insecurity kills all that is beautiful.
The ground you are standing on is very wobbly and by the time you realize, the earth has already swallowed you whole.
Insecurity makes you fail to show up to your own life and miss opportunities; for love, friendship, and careers. I know this is easier said than done but don't let them consume you.
Life can be hard, but what I know today is sometimes we make it much harder than it has to be.
Hard Times
There's so much pent up emotions here and I don't know how to deal with it.
There's so much anger and frustration that I need to go somewhere alone to clear my mind.
There's too much disappointment, I feel physically sick.
My grip is tight, but there's no object for me to hold.
I want to scream, but every time I do it sounds like silence.
There's so much hatred collected in me,
yet I give out so much love.
But never to myself.
A Question
"Am I good enough? Will I ever be good enough?"
A question I never want to ask but keeps wondering around in my head.
Take & Give
Photo by Kulbir |
They say it's take and give
But if you keep taking and taking,
without giving anything,
and you keep on taking from me
until there's nothing left
What's there for me then?